
undergraduate coursework and their brief descriptions

Spring 2025

ECON227: International Trade with Prof. Mengqi Wang

Empirical trade data; trade evolution over time; trade deficits and surpluses; determinants of trade patterns using classic models; trade’s effects on welfare, wages, employment, and inequality; winners and losers from trade; analysis of trade policies such as tariffs, quotas, export subsidies, and trade agreements; theoretical frameworks to real-world trade data; writing policy briefs.

ECON301: Advanced Microeconomics with Prof. Brian Baisa

Applications of advanced microeconomic theory to matters of utility and demand; production functions and cost; pricing of output under perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, etc.; pricing of productive services; intertemporal decision-making; the economics of uncertainty; efficiency, equity, general equilibrium; externalities and public goods.

MATH220: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Prof. Ivan Contreras

Logic; elementary set theory; functions; relations and equivalence relations; mathematical induction; sequences; quantifiers.

MATH271: Linear Algebra with Prof. Ryan Alvarado

Subspaces, linear independence, basis, and dimension; systems of linear equations and their solution by Gaussian elimination; matrix operations; linear transformations and their representations by matrices; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; and inner product spaces.

STAT231: Data Science with Prof. Katharine Correia

Data wrangling; cleaning; transformation; spatial data; textual data; network data; Github workflows; visualization; modeling; unstructured datasets; R; RStudio; projects; ethics.

Fall 2024

MATH211: Multivariable Calculus with Prof. Aamir Rasheed

Elementary vector calculus; introduction to partial derivatives; multiple integrals in two and three dimensions; line integrals in the plane; Green’s theorem.

STAT230: Intermediate Statistics with Prof. Shu-Min Liao

Eethics; experimental design; resampling approaches; analysis of variance models; multiple regression; model selection; logistic regression.

ARHA140: Introduction to Arts of Asia with Prof. Ajay Sinha
FYSE102: Progress? with Prof. Alexander George

Courses Placed Out of

COSC111: Introduction to Computer Science I (Java), COSC112: Introduction to Computer Science II (Java)
ECON111: Introduction to Economics
MATH111: Introduction to Calculus, MATH121: Intermediate Calculus
PHYS123: The Newtonian Synthesis: Dynamics of Particles and Systems
STAT111: Introduction to Economics, STAT135: Introduction to Statistics via Modeling